During a recent discussion on the upcoming religion, one of the arguments being offered up by my Republican adversary was that "Obama was trying to steal the election through ACORN."
His source? The McCain Campaign, of course. They claim that Obama is connected to ACORN.
But is he?
McCain Campaign claim: Obama directed Project Vote, "an arm of ACORN that also encouraged voter registration," back in 1992
The Truth:
False! Project Vote is a
separate organization from ACORN. Obama did direct project vote, but since it is a separate organization from ACORN, it is a lie to claim that Obama was working for ACORN based on his work on Project Vote.
McCain Campaign claim: Obama was a trial lawyer for ACORN.
The Truth:
Not Quite. This one's a little gray; he did represent them in one case, but he was working for the firm Miner, Barnhill and Galland. And who were
they working for? ACORN -
and a bunch of other groups - hired the civil rights law firm to sue the state of Michigan to make them enforce a federal "motor voter" law. The way McCain tells it, you'd think Obama was on retainer to ACORN, and that's just a whopping lie.
McCain Campaign claim: the Obama campaign directed campaign money to ACORN in the amount of $832,000.
The Truth:
False! They hired a group called Citizens' Services to assist with setting up various engagments (including arranging for sound and lights), and to do some "get out the vote" efforts. Citizens' Services sub-contracted the latter job to ACORN, and paid them considerable less than $832,000 for their work.
But there is someone in this election who DOES have connections to ACORN. Someone who has actively campaigned on their behalf:
John McCain. Here is is attending a March 2006 ACORN event with Florida Representative Kendrick Meek, courtesy of
Politico.com, who got it from ACORN.
Need more proof? Conservative shill
Michelle Malkin has a copy of the press release up on her site. I've been hard on Michelle in the past, but I have to give her credit: she did not want this to be true, but she found the evidence, and she put it up anyway.
It's originally from the
Miami-Dade College website.
Major Rally in Miami to Support Comprehensive
Immigration Reform
Senator John McCain and many others to speak at the rally at
Miami Dade College Wolfson Campus
Miami, Florida – February 20, 2006 ― Leaders from a diverse array of sectors will hold a rally in Miami on Thursday, February 23, 2006, in support of comprehensive immigration reform in an effort to keep immigration reform at the forefront of the public debate. Leaders from both political parties, immigrant communities, labor, business, and religious organizations will gather to call on Washington to enact workable reform.
The rally will feature Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) as the headline speaker along with elected officials, immigrants and key local and national leaders. Sen. McCain is one of the chief sponsors of the Secure America and Orderly Immigration Act; bipartisan, comprehensive immigration reform legislation introduced last Congress and scheduled for consideration by the Senate in the coming weeks. A similar rally with Sen. McCain is planned for New York City on February 27.
WHO: Sen. John McCain (R-AZ), Rep. Kendrick Meek (D-FL), Rep. Lincoln Diaz-Balart (R-FL.), and immigrant, religious, community, business and labor leaders.
WHAT: Comprehensive Immigration Reform Rally
WHEN: Thursday, February 23, at 6:00 p.m.
WHERE: Miami Dade College – Wolfson Campus
Chapman Conference Center
Bldg 3000
300 NE 2nd Avenue
EDITOR’S NOTE: Miami Press Availability: Sen. McCain will be available for interviews starting at 4:15 p.m. on location, Feb. 23.
The Secure America and Orderly Immigration Act was introduced in the Senate by Senators Edward Kennedy (D-MA) and John McCain (R-AZ) and in the House by Representatives Jim Kolbe (R-AZ), Jeff Flake (R-AZ) and Luis Gutierrez (D-IL). It addresses border security and illegal immigration while bringing the 11 million undocumented immigrants out from the shadows and onto a path to legal permanent status; setting up legal channels and realistic caps for workers and family members to enter in the future; providing for tough enforcement; and enabling more immigrants to learn English and prepare for citizenship. (More)
The rally in Miami is being sponsored by the New American Opportunity campaign (NAOC) in partnership with ACORN, Catholic Legal Services - Archdiocese of Miami, Florida Immigrant Advocacy Center, Florida Immigrant Coalition, Miami Dade College, People for the American Way/Mi Familia Vota en Acción, Service Employees International Union, and UNITE HERE.
For more information call 202-383-5984 or visit www.cirnow.org http://www.cirnow.org/
Media contacts: Juan C. Mendieta, Communications Director (305)
237-7611 or Beverly Counts Rodrigues, Director of Media Relations (305)
# # #
This and other news releases from MDC’s Media Relations Department are available on the web at www.mdc.edu.
Leaders from a diverse array of sectors will hold a rally in Miami on Thursday, February 23, 2006, in support of comprehensive immigration reform in an effort to keep immigration reform at the forefront of the public debate. Leaders from both political parties, immigrant communities, labor, business, and religious organizations will gather to call on Washington to enact workable reform.
Someone might want to let John McCain know that we know he's lying to us. It's embarrassing, really. Like catching a little kid in a bag of candy with chocolate smeared all over his face, and having him say "I dint eat no candy, honest!"